1. Name
    Santana Alvarado
  2. From?
    Inglewood, CA
  3. School Attending?
    Bronx Community College, Sociology
  4. Position on Staff
    Unit Leader
  5. Most excited about for this summer?
    My activity area, Chapel in St. Luke’s, the Sound
  6. Favorite Camp Core Value and Why?
    Christian Formation because it makes for better community, time spent in nature, and empowering ourselves and others
  7. Favorite Camp Activity and Why?
    Adventure/ challenge course because it actively teaches me trust, patience, safety, and courage!
  8. Favorite Parable
    When Jesus compares faith to a mustard seed, because I can always have that and it’s all we need to start our relationship with God and Life.
  9. Best way to spend a Sunday afternoon?
    Exploring the city with friends, especially if one has a camera.