May 8, 2020
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
The Diocese of the Long Island continues to respond to the unprecedented public health crisis of COVID-19. We write today to share with you that after careful consideration and consultation with local health care providers, public health officials, other summer camps and camp associations, our own hospital personnel, and a review of the Centers for Disease and Control Protocols, we have made the difficult and painful decision to cancel the Camp DeWolfe summer camping season for 2020.
This decision was not made lightly by myself and the other members of the Board of Managers of Camp DeWolfe, but we believe it is our responsibility to avoid subjecting the campers, our camp staff and their families to unnecessary risk. While we are saddened that summer camp programming will not be offered this year, we are confident that this difficult decision is also the most responsible one to ensure the well-being of the entire Camp DeWolfe community.
The parents/guardians of campers who have registered for this summer camp season along with the camp staff have already been notified of our decision. The parents/guardians have been offered options of a full refund of this year’s fees, making a donation to the camp, or to advance the payment to the 2021summer camp season.
While campers and staff will not be meeting physically together, we are committed to keeping our camp community connected over the summer. We will be working on providing campers with activities and gatherings through online methods during the summer. We are still developing these plans, so please stay tuned for further communication. If you have any recommendations for digital programming, please do not hesitate to contact the camp office directly.
Thank you for your continued support of Camp DeWolfe during this time. We realize that this news is a further disappointment created by the COVID-19 pandemic, however we are a community of faith, bound together in trust of God’s care and cannot wait to welcome campers on opening day in 2021.
Be safe, be careful, and keep praying. With our love, prayers, and gratitude,
The Rt. Rev. Lawrence C. Provenzano
Bishop of Long Island
Matthew Tees
Executive Director of Camp DeWolfe
Members of The Board of Managers of Camp DeWolfe, Inc.