This week at Camp DeWolfe, some faithful camp alumni and volunteers gave of their time and talents to plant and set up gardens at Camp, ready for the summer. Daria and Mary, from Christ Church, Babylon, dedicated their Friday to making the camp ‘pretty’ ready for the Open Day and Summer Camp! This energy and enthusiasm from faithful volunteers reminds us all of the essence that this camp has a part in everyone’s hearts… from campers, to staff, to alumni, to visitors, to guests and beyond.

We are also reminded the imagery to “Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you.” (Hosea 10:12-13). Our prayer today is for the Camp DeWolfe family to sow and reap today, both when at camp and in the larger kingdom of God.

Daria, Mary and Emma by the Meeting Hall Patio Garden:


Meeting Hall Patio…


Davis Dining Hall view:
