Greetings all! I pray that you are all safe and doing well this week in the aftermath of Sandy. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during this time. Here is a brief update of Camp DeWolfe’s situation following Hurricane Sandy on Monday 29th October 2012:

– All staff and families are well and safe. Praise God!
– All power was lost at camp since Monday 12:30pm;
-Trees fell throughout the camp property, taking down all power, phone and internet lines – including an entire lipa pole and transformer on ground;
– Trees damaged the meeting hall gutter, maintenance sheds roofs and challenge course;
– High winds ripped many shingles from Benson House, Director’s Lodge and some Boys cabins;
– Benson house suffered a few leaks;
– Some cabin damage to screen doors and entrances;
-The largest damage was done to the bluff where we lost 20ft of bluff and beach.. changing the beach landscape. We lost boat racks and life guard chair, and the current wood steps will need enforcement.
Also we will now have to quickly look into long term bluff stabilization as so much was lost so fast.
Since the storm, camp staff have begun the tree removal and clean up as we wait for tree companies to help remove ones we can’t manage ourselves. LIPA has the most work to do as we have down power lines to the Meeting Hall, Benson House, Dining Hall and a broken transformer on the ground with many trees on the power lines into camp. We patiently await LIPA, Verizon, Cablevision and Optimum, an Insurance companies.

The camp office will be closed until further notice and retreats have been cancelled for this weekend, possibly next weekend as well. We hope to reschedule these groups. We are thankful for understanding guests and patient staff.

This all being said, we have been blessed that not more damage was done and most trees just hit the ground.
We pray for those continuing to adjust to Sandy’s effects and praise God the wonderful community that surrounds us.

If you are interested in serving at Camp DeWolfe during this difficult time, please note we welcome community service and volunteer hours from you and people of all ages. The Camp also continues to accept donation for the Hurricane clean-up by checks to ‘Camp DeWolfe’ in the mail or click here to donate online.

Thank you for your support and prayers,
In Christ,
Matt Tees


Trees fallen on power lines in front of the Meeting Hall:

Bluff/beach erosion – losing the boat racks and lifeguard chair:

Trees fall in the center of Camp:

Transformers and poles grounded by high winds: