Today, 150 new tempur-pedic mattresses arrived at Camp DeWolfe! $150,000 worth of mattresses from a charitable donation from Tempur-pedic based in Kentucky! Camp DeWolfe only had to cover shipping and admin fees for this offer, through – a non-profit organization that connects businesses with charities and non-profits. A fantastic team from St Mark’s Episcopal Church, Islip; St Mark’s Episcopal Church, Westhampton Beach; the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City, and the Bennett family helped unload them then distribute them in cabins, lodges and houses across the Camp property! What a gift! What a positive and hard-working team from across Long Island too! We thank God for His blessings, which overflow everyday. Book your 2012 retreat today to enjoy new tempur-pedic beds!
God is good… All the time… All the time… God is good! 🙂