Meet the Summer Staff 2019 – Part 5

1. Name?Lucianna 2. From?England 3. Position on staff?Camp Counselor 4. Most excited about for this summer?Meeting new people and making memories. 5. Favorite Camp DeWolfe Core Value and Why?Community and being together as having people around makes everything better....

Meet the Summer Staff 2019 – Part 4

1. Name?Stacy2. From?United Kingdom 3. Position on staff?Camp Counselor 4. Most excited about for this summer?Getting the opportunity to serve and to minister 5. Favorite Camp DeWolfe Core Value and Why? The possibility to embrace challenges and grow outside our...

Winter Camp 2019 – Prayers and Dreams

The weekend goes by in a blur. Between broom ball, archery, crafts, and hot chocolate winter camp is packed with all things camp. Just like during summer, we gathered twice a day for Christian Formation and celebrated Eucharist together at the end of the weekend. But...

Meet the Summer Staff 2019 – Part 3

1. Name?Arielle2. From? South Africa 3. Position on Staff?Camp Counselor 4. Most excited about for this summer?Meeting new people and making memories 6. Favorite Camp DeWolfe Core Value and Why?Natural Setting – I love being outside and it shows all the wonders God...

Meet the Summer Staff 2019 – Part 2

I was born and raised in the Rockaways of Queens, NY. Majority of my summers were spent at Camp Vacamas in West Milford, NJ where I was a camper, counselor, and supervisor. There I was able to appreciate diversity having making friends with people from all different...