Vestry Retreat

On March 3rd 2012, Christ Church Bellport hosted their vestry retreat at Camp DeWolfe. A team of 15 adults shared fellowship and food together in the Benson House, led by Rev Liz Tunney, who was the retreat facilitator for the day. Father Walker and his ministry team...

Winter Retreat

On Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th February Camp DeWolfe hosted the Good Neighbor Community Church’s Youth Winter Retreat. The community of youth and their faithful leaders from Huntington shared their weekend together in prayer, worship, song, fellowship, study,...

Renovations Update!

This week at Camp DeWolfe, ceiling insulation went in the Meeting Hall and St Luke’s Chapel, concrete and steel floors were laid in the Meeting Hall, the St Luke’s Chapel north window and wall were removed, the plumbing work was completed ready for...