
Today, the Camp was covered in flags! This is not simply for Columbus Day weekend, but it is a utility mark-up for the construction work that is currently being bid on by contractors. Everyone needs to know where water lines, electric lines and sewer lines are, so to...

A Blog Post Sample

Nullam imperdiet turpis id ipsum ullamcorper consequat in id lectus. Nunc rhoncus gravida fermentum. Curabitur tristique, elit quis aliquet tempus, dui nunc porttitor arcu, et luctus augue lectus vel tellus. Sed eleifend bibendum lacus vitae egestas. Ut nec purus nec...

Another Sample Post

Vivamus euismod eleifend imperdiet. Sed dolor mauris, sollicitudin eu porta quis, laoreet ut enim. Curabitur vel nisl odio, ullamcorper ornare tellus. Donec lobortis lacus at urna lacinia nec iaculis mi lacinia. In faucibus fermentum lacus a consequat. Donec luctus...

Sample Blog Post

In est lorem, dignissim vel porta et, varius vel odio. Donec eu magna neque, at sodales orci. Ut id mauris odio, vel varius metus. Aenean faucibus imperdiet leo sed rhoncus. Duis gravida augue vitae quam bibendum eget feugiat lacus porta. Nunc nisi sapien,...

Why Retreat?

Amidst the fall weather, the work at Camp DeWolfe is continually in preparation for the New Year when the Retreat season will be "officially" opened to all once again! We look forward to hosting and serving many guests between the months of January and June....

Dominion article October 2011

This fall at Camp DeWolfe has been full of change, renewal and adventure! Each day includes a sense of anticipation as Camp DeWolfe prepares for re-opening this January. It is amazing to look around the grounds of the Camp and literally see the work that has already...