1. What’s your name?
Anthony Thomas Suggs
2. Where are you from?
Raised in Durham, North Carolina but have been living in New York for almost 4 years.
3. What university do you attend? What major?
New York University with majors in History and Drama (graduating in May 2016!)
4. What’s your favorite country/state?
As for countries, I have so much love for Australia and New Zealand.
As for my favorite state: New York is really growing on me, but North Carolina still has my heart.
5. What’s your favorite camp activity and why?
Anything on the waterfront. I love everything about it: getting on that beach trail, setting up the boats, and even enjoying a wave or two when they’re breaking.
6. What are you most looking forward to next summer and why?
I am most looking forward to meeting our new staff members, reuniting with returning staff members, and creating a new family together!
7. What’s your favorite core value (community, christian formation, empowering leaders and natural setting) and Why?
Natural Setting and Empowering Leaders. I feel that these two go hand in hand. We have so many opportunities for Christian formation throughout our diocese and all of us (hopefully) experience community in our daily lives with our family, friends, and parishes. Natural setting, especially the beautiful setting that we have at Camp DeWolfe, can’t be found many places so close to the city and it creates a wonderful context in which we can challenge ourselves and our campers to develop new skills.
8. What’s your dream job?
Any job in which I am:
1. Helping others
2. Giving voice and action to the love of God
3. Giving voice and recognition to those denied it