1. What’s your name?
Zachary Lande

2.What’s your age?

3.Where are you from?
Freeport NY

4.What university/school do you attend? What major?
Adelphi University / Sports marketing/Management

5.What’s your favorite Country/state?
Mexico – As I Love the climate , the food , the people And ALL the outdoor activities that one can do / Vermont , I love to snowboard and Love the winter sports that people can do there . Besides Vermont has some of the most beautiful mountain camp grounds

6.What’s your favorite camp activity and why?
I love all the camp activities that take place outdoors !! In the woods/ fields or in/ on the water ! There is so much to do outdoors from hiking,, running, swimming, canoeing and SO many different games that can be played . I really DO enjoy all the activities that take place outdoors .

7.What are you most looking forward to about next summer and why?
I look forward to working back at Camp DeWolfe ,because I know I’m going to have an awesome time. I also look forward to going on vacations with my family as I enjoy exploring different parts of the world and making new discoveries.

8.What’s your favorite camp core value (community, Christian Formation, Developing Leaders or Natural Setting) and Why?
Being that I myself have attended 2 retreats at Camp DeWolfe through my church , one of my favorite reasons among many is the BEAUTIFUL Natural setting !! Its truly a place where one can revel in Gods creations and become one and be in awe with Nature . People can discover talents or things about yourself that you didn’t know, and at times push yourself to the limits . It enables you to really look inside yourself in a peaceful setting , its a place where I feel truly free and it makes me feel alive ….

9.What’s your dream job/vocation/calling for life?
My dream job would be being a toy designer ! I would LOVE to spend my days thinking up and designing new toys for kids to play with !! I think it would be a really cool job to have ,plus I get to play with them too !! I feel my calling in life is to make as many people laugh , have fun and be happy !! Life is powerful and we should all enjoy being here !