Being the hands and feet of Jesus

In the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island, there are over 140 Episcopal parishes that span from Brooklyn to Montauk Point. Each family, parish and community across this Dominion in the Sea together make up the body of Christ, as part of the larger Christian community...

Fall Service Saturdays begin!

The Fall Season began at Camp DeWolfe this weekend with the first of several Service Saturdays.  Volunteers from Christ Church Oyster Bay and St John’s Church joined Camp DeWolfe’s fabulous Unit Leaders Megan and Mike Tuleja, in painting the Davis Dining...

Service Saturdays

This fall, hundreds of volunteers served at Camp DeWolfe. Adults, youth and children gave of their time and talents to practically ‘dig’ in and work on painting projects, landscaping projects, and gardening projects, as part of the Camp’s fall clean...