Meet the Summer Staff – Part 11

10 Things you don’t know about me: What’s your name? Peter Greenlaw What’s your age? 21 What’s your hometown? Reading, England What college/university do you attend? What major? I am studying Criminology and Sociology at Cardiff University What’s your favorite...

Faith Formation Day – You’re invited!

Do you serve and invest in youth in your church, parish, youth group, school or organization? Are you keen to connect with other youth ministers and leaders? Are you interested in gaining more ideas, concepts, strategies, games and fresh plans for your youth...

National Volunteer Week

Camp DeWolfe is thankful for it’s many volunteers who dedicate their time, energy and talents to this camp ministry! Today, a team of volunteers from Target Central Islip Store took time to serve at Camp DeWolfe! The team prepared a new volleyball court for the...