Summer Camp Stories – Part 3

Travelling 3,373 miles away from home to a camp seemingly in the middle of nowhere, to work with 20 strangers from around the world was believe it or not the scariest experience of my life. To say that I wasn’t ready to hop right back on a flight to England as soon as...

Summer Camp Stories – Part 2

Camp was very fun this year and was a great experience, changing from a counselor to a unit leader. I had a lot more challenges and responsibilities this year, which was difficult at times, but much more rewarding at the same time. For me, not many moments stood out,...

Summer Camp Stories – Part 1

Having flown from Northern Ireland, being a part of the staff at Camp DeWolfe has been a new experience for me. I have enjoyed getting to meet amazing people, building new friendships and experiencing American cultures through daily routines on site. During my time...

Adventure Camp News Part III

Hello Camp DeWolfe Family! It’s hard to believe we are finishing up are last week of camp for the summer! It’s been an awesome summer full of camp! Week Three of Adventure Camp was packed with a lot of extra fun. This week we had  our Wildwood...

Adventure Camp News Part II

Hello Camp Family! Week two of Adventure camp is coming to a close. It’s been awesome week of camp and we look forward to seeing some of you on Saturday morning. Of course there is another week of camp coming up for some of our campers! This week we had a...