by campdewolfe | Jun 30, 2020 | Camp Blog, Searchable
“Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). I bet many of you sang that line when you read it from the famous Hymn. What does it mean to rejoice always in the Lord? To me, when I think of the word rejoice I usually think of being extremely...
by campdewolfe | Jun 22, 2020 | Camp Blog, Searchable
The day I am writing this post (June 22) was supposed to be the day that we would be picking up the counselors who were flying in from other countries and start our training. Instead, I am alone on campus doing some cleaning and weeding. This is not what I...
by campdewolfe | Jun 17, 2020 | Camp Blog, Searchable
As humans one of the hardest things to do is love other people. It may be easy to love someone who is like us or who is close to us, like a family member. It becomes much harder to love someone who is not like us or a person we disagree with or hate....
by campdewolfe | Jun 8, 2020 | Camp Blog, Searchable
There are lots thing out there vying for your attention; family, friends, media, internet. They all want you to act and think a certain way, but what is the “right way” to act? We have all heard the phrase WWJD, what would Jesus do, but with all these outside...
by campdewolfe | Jun 4, 2020 | Camp Blog, Searchable
Do you have children or youth in your family? Are you a parent? Grandparent? Aunt? Uncle? Cousin? Godparent? Mentor? Friend? That’s probably many of us! Let’s continue to learn, educate and raise children who embrace diversity, and who oppose racism and...