by campdewolfe | Feb 2, 2019 | Camp Blog, Searchable
The weekend goes by in a blur. Between broom ball, archery, crafts, and hot chocolate winter camp is packed with all things camp. Just like during summer, we gathered twice a day for Christian Formation and celebrated Eucharist together at the end of the weekend. But...
by campdewolfe | Jan 27, 2016 | Camp Blog, Searchable
Good morning winter campers! I wish I could be with you, but shoveling since 5:00 has not brought me much closer to getting loose here. I should have planned last night the way Mr. Fredericksen did the night before he was going to have to leave the home he and Ellie...
by campdewolfe | Feb 8, 2015 | Camp Blog, Searchable
This season, this winter season, is one of my joys. I think it comes from being raised in Wisconsin, and from a military father who had been stationed in Alaska, and who took the attitude that one simply learned to survive where one was put. So the cold never bothered...
by campdewolfe | Dec 19, 2014 | Camp Blog, Searchable
When? January 23rd 6pm – January 25th 2015 1pm Who? All campers ages 10 – 14. What? Here is what you can expect: Many of your best friends from camp and counselors too, exciting outdoor games and lot’s of time to engage in community with a...
by campdewolfe | Nov 9, 2013 | Searchable