Adventure Camp News Part III

Hello Camp DeWolfe Family! It’s hard to believe we are finishing up are last week of camp for the summer! It’s been an awesome summer full of camp! Week Three of Adventure Camp was packed with a lot of extra fun. This week we had  our Wildwood...

Adventure Camp News Part II

Hello Camp Family! Week two of Adventure camp is coming to a close. It’s been awesome week of camp and we look forward to seeing some of you on Saturday morning. Of course there is another week of camp coming up for some of our campers! This week we had a...

Adventure Camp News

Hello Camp DeWolfe Family! We have just finished off our first week of Adventure Camp and Leadership in Training Camp! It’s crazy how fast a week of camp can go by! We hope you have gotten a chance to check out our other blogs from the summer, if not, take a...

Swimming, Swimming, in the Swimming Pool

Read the title to any camper and they will probably start singing a silly song and doing some silly motions. Swim time is not only my favorite part of camp but also campers’ as well. We spend time everyday on the water front and in our swimming pool playing, learning,...