Discovery Camp: Listening to God

  A couple nights ago I was excited to introduce our campers to one of my favorite spiritual practices: prayer journaling. I told them that they could talk to God through writing about their days, feelings, things they needed, and concerns about loved ones. In...

Welcome Explorer Campers 2014!

What a great opening day at Camp DeWolfe where we welcomed our 2014 Explorer Camp Campers and their families!  All the kids were filled with excitement as counselors greeted them to their cabins. It was off to the swimming pool when they said their goodbyes to their...

Meet the Summer Staff- Part 14

What’s your name? Christina Miller How old are you? I am 30 years old. Where are you from? I am from San Diego, California
 where I am the fifth generation in my family. What college are you attending? I graduated from Pepperdine University (BA in English literature...